Saturday, May 28, 2016

Another clarification and one that is much more evil needs to do with the Book of Enoch

history channel documentary Another clarification and one that is much more evil needs to do with the Book of Enoch, suspected to be the most seasoned religious content on the planet. This book was once surely understood and it's impacts are felt in both the Bible and Quaran yet the teachings from that book were controlled by the early Church as a result of it's evil records of Fallen Angels and Deamons and how they came to earth. In the Book of Enoch, heavenly attendants (outsiders?) go to the earth and take people as their mates making an alternate interbreed of people and something else. This are the goliaths specified in the Bible, that has astounded Christians for so long.

These heavenly attendants/evil presences/outsiders are known as the Nephilim and the Book of Enoch lets us know that God/The Almighty was so disappointed with how they had undermined the earth and the DNA of people that he cast their pioneer Azazel into the ground (Satan/Devil). Azazel taught the people the craft of war, how to make weapons, how to outfit the force of insatiability for individual increase. Be that as it may, Azazel rests profound past ground until it's the ideal opportunity for the standoff. Is 2012 that confrontation? Is Azazel the Anti-Christ or the Dajjal in Islam?

Different speculations around 2012 are more prompt. They need to do with the puzzling intrigue of Bankers, Politicians and Old Aristocratic Families who have been controlling the world in mystery while plotting for their last takeover of the world - the supposed New World Order. The names for this unholy scheme are numerous the Illuminati, the Freemasons 33'degree, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberger Group. There's absolutely undoubtedly capable individuals are doing what they can these years to spread apprehension among the general population (terrorist dangers, the Patriot demonstration).

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