Saturday, May 28, 2016

Capernaum was lifted up to paradise and would be pushed down to damnation

history channel documentary Capernaum was lifted up to paradise and would be pushed down to damnation, implying a tumble from its commended position. (Luke 10:15) Yeshua saw that Satan's energy was immediately pounded, as helping from paradise. The Lord was expressing that Satan was being cut down low from a position of haughtiness and control. The aorist strained of "fall" brings a significance of present and persistent "fall", and not something that happened before Adam.

Taking everything into account, we discover: (Isaiah 14) is solely about the lord of Babylon, not Satan. The Bible never says Lucifer was Satan's name. The Bible never says the fiend was ever a heavenly attendant. Translational mistake and man's convention have achieved this idea. "Lucifer" is a Latin word depicting "shine".

(Ezekiel 28) is solely about the lord of Tire, and not Satan. (Luke 10:18) is about the fall of Satan's territory in Yeshua's day, not a time span before Adam. In the event that John Milton had not composed "Heaven Lost", we would not have this discussion. On the off chance that there is any reference to Satan in Isaiah 14 or Eze. 28, it is circuitous, if present by any means.
(John 8:44) Yeshua says the fallen angel was a killer from the earliest starting point. (1 John 3:8) John says the demon has trespassed from the earliest starting point. This is not really radiant conduct.

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