Monday, May 30, 2016

Easter Sunday must be Satan's high un-sacred Day

history channel documentary Easter Sunday must be Satan's high un-sacred Day. Satan's realm fell right now of Resurrection. To the individuals who beg God, "Master, decimate the work of the fallen angel!" or implore, "Convey us from wickedness," here's reality: Jesus has ALREADY done these things.

Ravenhill said, "The standard of God's energy in the New Testament is the revival of Jesus Christ from the dead. The standard of God's energy in the Old Testament was the deliverance of the general population of Israel through the Red Sea which brought them at long last into the place that is known for guarantee. In the Old Testament the wonder is the raising of a dead country, since they were in bondage, in Egypt, which is a sort of the world. They were under the territory of Pharaoh, which is a kind of the villain, and they were brought as the Word of God says, "God called them with a solid hand. He conveyed them with a solid hand and an extended arm." All the path from Moses to Malachi there is a steady alluding to "Look what God did when He conveyed Israel." Now, is anything greater than that? Have you got an issue greater than that? Can you envision anything that requests on God more than that?"

In light of Christ's Resurrection, WE can be Resurrected, as well. He is called "the principal organic products." So He is. Ephesians 2:5 says: "You have been revived who were dead in trespasses and in sins." Notice something there: it doesn't say that we WILL bite the dust. The verse says that we WERE dead. That same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead will likewise raise you and me.John 3:16 lets us know that God cherished the world - you and me - SO MUCH - that He gave His unparalleled Son, Jesus. The cross speaks to God's adoration; the Resurrection speaks to God's Power.

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