Monday, May 30, 2016

He reacts all the more every now and again to the Rays exuding from higher sources

history channel documentary As Man advances, he reacts all the more every now and again to the Rays exuding from higher sources, for example, the Rays of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Planetary Ray, and the Solar Ray, and so on. The greater part of the Rays compare with one of the chakras and organs. The prevailing Ray inside Man influences the organs which thus secretes substances that show a specific identity and body sort. Consequently by and large talking, there are sorts of Man with seven essential dispositions and appearances. For example, we have the man of a telling nature- - this exemplifies the First Ray. Another man may express a solid dedication to a perfect - this is a man of the Sixth Ray. People with such natures frequently pick the sort of work or occupation most suited to their inclinations. In the above case, the man of the First Ray may be a fighter; the man of the Sixth Ray may be a cleric. We develop all the more rapidly and completely by knowing the Rays representing us and unfurling their qualities inside our spirit. Humankind all in all, notwithstanding, are not exclusively impacted by their individual Rays- - Rays from different sources influence Mankind; these are the Racial Rays; the Ray of the Human kingdom; National Rays; Rays of Cycles; the Planetary Ray; the Solar Ray, and so on.

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