Saturday, May 28, 2016

Do you perceive how man's convention has outweighed the real Truth?

history channel documentary Do you perceive how man's convention has outweighed the real Truth? I have seen events where individuals were unconsciously advancing lie, bringing about calling reality a falsehood.
Sacred text never says that Satan ever lead the great band or choir either. This is from John Milton's made up story. There is an entertaining angle however, any bonehead who reveres Satan calling him "Lucifer", is calling him a Latin word that was not deciphered into English. The name "Lucifer" for the fallen angel is scripturally and verifiably erroneous. The fallen angel's name is authoritatively, in the Hebrew, hasatan.

Obviously there is a dissension originating from inside our own military administration. As indicated by an article I simply read it appears that our military warriors who are of Christian confidence are being aggrieved by other military pioneers who don't share this same confidence or some other confidence. The individuals who case to be Atheists, Agnostics, and Wiccans are grumbling about the individuals who need to go to God. They have said this abuses their rights and convictions. The contention now is that a Christian in the military does not have the privilege to go to the Lord before fight. Who's rights are presently being damaged? This complain appears somewhat pointless and absurd. Why can't these individuals simply dismiss and permit others to have their rights also? This contention is taking their full consideration off the genuine war close by. This is bringing on a perilous redirection among our own particular warriors, which thus grasps our future.

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