Monday, May 30, 2016

The Dweller exemplifies and speaks to the lustful personality

history channel documentary The Dweller exemplifies and speaks to the lustful personality and cravings, the false inner self and its complex indecencies that continually entice Man to stray from the way of Truth, from the Path of Righteousness; it additionally is the subliminal substance of the psychosis, fears, mental issues, and the dismal feeling of transgression and blame that assaults the uprightness of the mind. The Dweller, this pseudo-being, is the non-self thought to be the Self by the lower mind. The greater part of us are acquainted with the expression, "the Voice of Silence"; the promptings of the Dweller is the "Voice of Noise" that upsets the peacefulness of the spirit. The Dweller is a fanciful being that each otherworldly hopeful needs to overcome; in spite of the fact that the technique for conquering this apparently intense rival is not by direct assault but rather by utilizing the spiritualized judgment as a part of comprehension the falseness of its affirmations, needs, and goals. It is by seeing through the misleading nature and deceptive presence of this false sense of self, this Dweller, that we triumph over its inconspicuous assault as proposals. We ought to welcome its nearness, however, for it has a part to play in our lives; it is, actually, a piece of vitality of all that we really are.

Man, when stripped down of all his vestures, down to his fundamental being, is that Silent Watcher, that incredible "I AM." Its extremely nature is Sat-Chit-Ananda, or Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. It is the SELF called by some Hindu thinkers "Brahman." It is Man's actual reality. This SELF is what addressed Moses, the "I Am that I AM" from the blazing hedge; it is additionally that which was alluded to by the Nazarene Master when he said: "Before Abraham was, "I AM." It is the Divine Presence inside Man specified in Psalms: "Be still and realize that I AM God." In the Qabalah, I AM is alluded to as "Yekidah." Kashmiri Shaivism calls the I AM, "Ahamta." Initiates of old Egypt spoke to Ahamta- - which in Theosophy is the Monad- - by "Ptah," the father of the divine beings. Ptah is regularly portrayed as making the lower divine beings or standards by the light of his Eye. Ptah inside the microcosm is the way of be-ness, or be-ing. It is, was, and ever will be. Its qualities are is-ness, now-ness, and here-ness. It is the genuine picture of god radiated as a flash from the considered God, from the Divine Consciousness of Parabrahm. The Ego is the element inside the microcosm developing into that I AM picture. I AM is the God inborn inside the microcosm. An astute sage once proclaimed:

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